We are pleased to have been appointed a distributor for the complete range of CRU DataPort products.

At Tarka Products we’re proud to offer the complete range of CRU products, imported direct from the USA to give our clients in the UK and Europe the opportunity to take advantage of our very competitive prices. Highly respected and with a reputation for exceptional performance, CRU DataPort, Data Express, Rack Enclosures and Encryption products provide the security you need for your valuable information.

Offering both data security and data mobility, browse the CRU range and you’ll find units capable of meeting the most demanding needs for data storage and transportation - whether you choose the Digital Cinema range for moving large audio/video production files or use one of the CRU DataPort SecureDocks to hold irreplaceable company records for archiving purposes. Unlike our competitors we don’t install proprietary software on any of the CRU range, enabling you to choose a build that suits your own requirements.

CRU DataPort and Data Express products have become the default choice for many organisations around the world as their robust nature and unrivalled reliability make them the most cost-effective and trusted solution for anyone serious about their data. Choose from removable or external hard drive enclosures to suit your specific applications, as well as models such as the DataPort® 10 Secure that offer sophisticated 256-bit encryption, or high-performance raid systems such as the ToughTec Duo QR that utilise 2.5" notebook drives to fit in the palm of your hand.

All CRU™ products are constructed to the highest standards using superior components to ensure that you can trust your data and enjoy complete peace of mind when it comes to reliability and data recovery. As one of the leading distributors for CRU’s range of products, including their WeibeTech forensic range, we’ll be happy to discuss your individual needs with you and offer any advice, information or recommendations as to the most appropriate choice of enclosure. To complement our range we also offer a large selection of mounting kits, cables, terminators and cases.

Contact us now via email on sales@tarkaproducts.co.ukand we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible, or call to speak to one of our team direct on +44(0)1837 338792.



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